MV Access

A webpage to provide Mountain View Rental Housing Committee agendas and staff reports in HTML and mobile responsive format. In BETA.

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City of Mountain View

Initial Draft Definitions for Further Discussion

Date: June 19, 2017

**“Capital Improvements”** means additions to or modifications of a physical feature of a Covered Rental Unit or of a building or property containing a Covered Rental Unit.
To qualify as a Capital Improvement, the addition or modification must:

The following are not eligible as Capital Improvements:

**“Net Operating Income”** is the Gross Income from a property containing one or more Covered Renta lUnits, less Operating Expenses. Gross Income shall equal the sum of the following:

Operating Expenses shall include the following expenses to the extent they are incurred in connection with the operation of a property containing one or more Covered Rental Units:

Operating Expenses shall not include:

Last updated on 7/3/2017