MV Access

A webpage to provide Mountain View Rental Housing Committee agendas and staff reports in HTML and mobile responsive format. In BETA.

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City of Mountain View


To: Rental Housing Committee

From: Jannie Quinn, City Attorney & Anky van Deursen, Associate Planner

Subject: Rental Housing Committee Rules of Conduct

Date: May 17, 2017


Adopt a Resolution Establishing the Rules of Conduct for Rental Housing Committee Meetings.


The Rental Housing Committee (RHC) is tasked with a number of duties, including the establishment of rules and regulations for administration and enforcement of the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act (CSFRA). Over the next several months, staff will present draft regulationson a variety of matters covered by the CSFRAfor the RHC’s consideration.

As its first regulation, staff proposes the RHC establish the rules for the conduct of its meetings. The attached draft regulations focus onthe public meeting process for the RHC, including the agenda, components and process, public comment, and other elements regarding conduct of the meetings.


Staff requests the RHC review and consider the draft Rules of Conduct for RHC meetings. The RHC can provide comments and/or adopt the resolution approving the proposed Rules of Conduct.

FISCAL IMPACT — There is no fiscal impact to the adoption of these Rules of Conduct.

PUBLIC NOTICING — Agenda posting.

Last updated on 7/1/2017