Comittee Members Grunewald, Means, Ramos, Vice Chair Ortiz, Chair Honey, and Pardo de Zela (alternate)
Monday, May 22, 2017
8:00 PM
Council Chambers
CALL TO ORDER - Welcome and Introductions
Approval of Minutes
Recommendation: Approve the minutes for May 8, 2017 RHC Meeting
Copies of the minutes for the above-noted meetings have been delivered to Committee Members and copies are available at City Hall. If there are no corrections or additions, a motion is in order to approve these minutes.
Attachments: Minutes for May 8, 2017
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes. State law prohibits the Commission from acting on non-agenda items.
Consider Annual General Adjustment of Rent for 2016
Recommendation: Direct staff whether to agendize an Annual General Adjustment of Rent for 2016 at a future meeting.
Attachments: Staff Report ATT1 - CPI 2016 - PDF for now
Consider A Fair Return Standard
Recommendation: Hear a presentation and consider whether to adopt MNOI as a fair return standard, provide further direction to solicit public input and draft a fair return regulation to be presented to the RHC at a future meeting.
Attachments: Staff Report ATT 1 - CSFRA SECTION 1710 ATT 2 - Kenneth Baar Fair Return Memo - PDF for now
No action will be taken on any questions raised by the Commission at this time.
Adjourn to the Regular Meeting of the RHC on Monday, May 22, 2017, in the Plaza Conference Room, City Hall, 500 Castro Street. Meeting date, time, and venue are subject to change. Please check online at as an agenda will be posted the Thursday prior to the RHC meeting.
SPECIAL NOTICE—Reference: Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990
Anyone who is planning to attend a meeting who is visually or hearing-impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the Community Development Department at (650) 903-6306 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, agendas and writings distributed during the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting.
The Board, Commission, or Committee may take action on any matter noticed herein in any manner deemed appropriate by the Board, Commission, or Committee. Their consideration of the matters noticed herein is not limited by the recommendations indicated herein.
The specific location of each meeting is noted on the notice and agenda for each meeting which is posted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Special meetings may be called as necessary by the Commission Chair and noticed at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Questions and comments regarding the agenda may be directed to the CSFRA Staff at (650) 903-6131.
Interested persons may review the agenda and staff reports at the Community Development offices, 500 Castro Street, First Floor; the Friday afternoon before each meeting at 4:30 p.m. or soon thereafter; or online at; and they are available during each Commission meeting.
Interested persons are entitled to speak on any item on the agenda and should make their interest known to the Chair.
Anyone wishing to address the Committee on a nonagenda item may do so during the “Oral Communications” part of the agenda. Speakers are allowed to speak one time on any number of topics for up to three minutes.